So much beauty out there

January 29, 2010

The Stud Farm On Tour

Filed under: All,Dear Diary — Josh @ 10:18 pm
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From today’s Fiver email from the Guardian:

“When we notice some sort of surge we look for the reason and it’s evident that the cause of the increase this week is the euphoria of Barça fans thanks to the huge win and [Andrés] Iniesta’s goal” – Mercedes Rodriguez, of Barcelona’s Quiron Clinic, puts the city’s current 50% rise in births down to the team’s 6-2 smiting of Madrid and Didier Drogba-riling at Stamford Bridge nine months ago.

I notice that they ignore the most obvious explanation for the phenomenon – that I happened to be going through Barcelona that week. Still, I guess we should allow them their little illusions. [/in joke]

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